Square Pixels are So Last Century

I like mosaic-ized versions of images, but the standard photoshop pixelize (or half-tone for that matter) is done to death. So I asked myself, what other geometric shapes can be used to build up images? I came up with two fairly simple ones that give the mosaic an arty and luxurious feel.

1. Rotatable diamonds
By using diamond shapes that are either divided horizontally or vertically, we get a really nice effect. A simple algorithm just chooses the orientation of each diamond that minimizes image distortion. Click the image for full-size svg vector art.
Debbie Harry image encoded with diamond mosaic
2. Hexagon segments
Here, equilateral triangles are used to build up hexagons. Hexagons happen to be the optimal shapes to arrange points in 2D space for vector quantization. Click the image for full-size svg vector art.
Debbie Harry image encoded with hexagon segments

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